Our Mission
TWILIGHT PARK CAMP INC. was formed for the purposes of educating and building character, love of nature and community in children and youth of Twilight Park and surrounding areas by providing safe, nurturing, and learning youth programs & summer camps.
A tax exempt non-profit 501(c)3 corporation
Information on the proper operation of camps and your rights and privileges as a parent can be found here: https://www.health.ny.gov/publications/3601/
Made Possible By
Camp fees, fund-raising events, donations, the encouragement and generosity of Twilight Park Cottagers who share their facilities with us, the Twilight Cottagers Board, the Twilight Park Day Camp Board, and our wonderful camp volunteers.
We believe all children would benefit from a summer camp experience and to make our camp more accessible to our Twilight and mountain top families we provide financial aid financed thru donations from our generous camper parents and the community.
Can you help us by making a donation to
Every Child Deserves Camp!
Twilight Park Day Camp is a non-profit, state-licensed, children’s day camp in Haines Falls, N.Y. It is set inside Twilight Park, a community on 530 wooded acres full of trails, waterfalls, open fields, and nooks and crannies waiting to be discovered.
Twilight Park generously shares with the camp its four red-clay tennis courts; its 25-yard, heated, outdoor swimming pool, many playing fields and its large clubhouse on rainy days.